(Deck of me 4, 5 and 6)
I've finally scanned the cards I've recently made for the deck of me challenge from Emily Falconbridge. Here are my cards for week 4, 5 and 6, and I've shown both the front and back sides, as I've included a little more info or decoration on them.
Week 4, a symbol that I like: The Venus or copper symbol - I really like it because to me it stands for women power and equality.
Week 5, ephemera: I've used a cinema ticket - I love going to the movies, so why I don't go more often... I don't know.
Week 6, Love: This was a tough one - since I don't have "a significant other" in my life, so my card is about that my heart is filled with love for my family, nephew and nieces, friends and art but there is a void, waiting for a certain someone I hope will come along some day. Not sure if I believe
in Love, but I hope in love.