mandag, september 17, 2007

(Deck of Me #37)

So it's time to update with my latest card in the deck of me, and this week the prompt was "Draw something". Argh, I've always hated drawing, or at least since I started school and saw how all the others were better at drawing than me (in addition I never managed to make it look like I had imagined). The only thing I've been relatively pleased with drawing, i.e. thinking it didn't totally suck was houses, so I drew one today, in front of a couple of hills. I pondered for 5 nanoseconds about adding a sun, but I think that's stretching it a bit..... (or you can imagine it behind the ticked). Determined to use some of the scraps on my scrapping table (after clearing it...) I added some ribbon and a opener-thingie from a Coca Cola Light-can (can't think of a bette word than thingie :giggle:).
Anyhow here it is:

Thanks for looking :)

13 kommentarer:

Marjolein sa...

Oh, this is so cool!! Love it, it is a house, so it's good:-)) And the idea of that thingie...... I think that's so great!!! I remember I got lots of them laying around somewhere, have to use them one day!!

Paula J Atkinson sa...

Fabulous card. Those ring pull thingies make awesome ribbon ties/buckles.

saffiertje sa...

B'ful card!the bounded ribbon...great!

sylvia sa...

I love that Coca cola can opener thingy, very cool!!

Shelley sa...

That is such a cool drawing! Your card is lovely :)

Kristen sa...

the opener-thingie was a great touch!

Unknown sa...

Its so cool, i cant draw houses they always look like soemthign about to be demolished lol

yep i call them thingies too!

Je@net sa...

Great card! Well done! Love the drawing!

Sooz sa...

love the card - you draw houses almost EXACTLY the way I do : )

love the soda can tab top thingie -clever!

Anonym sa...

Great card with great ideas ;) thanks for sharing :)

Anonym sa...

Nice card, I like all of the little details.

Lyzzydee sa...

brilliant, never thought to draw a house, I might have managed that if I had tried hard!!!

Anonym sa...

its so cool seeing all the different cards for this challenge! love that you drew a house, so cute :)