søndag, januar 27, 2008
lørdag, januar 26, 2008
(Utfordret! - 7 sannheter)
Jammen ble jeg ikke utfordret av Monica til å skrive ned 7 sannheter om meg selv.
Utfordringen går ut på at jeg skal:
*skrive syv sanheter om deg selv
*linke til den/de som har utfordret deg
*utfordre syv andre,
og legge igjen beskjed i bloggen deres om at de er utfordret...
Mine ofre:
Og de 7 sannhetene er at jeg:
- Elsker å gå barføtt, hele året (dog inne vår, vinter og høst)
- Synger alltid i bilen og som regel i dusjen
- Dansa før jeg kunne gå
- Er ukuelig optimist (det fins ikke en pessimistisk celle i kroppen min)
- Trives best når det er ryddig og rent rundt meg, men hater å vaske og rydde
- Har total slangefobi, og hater slanger som pesten
- Har absolutt ingen ambisjoner om å dra til Australia noen gang (ref. punkt 6).
søndag, januar 13, 2008
(Takknemlighestbok - 2008)
Emily Falconbridge lagde en takknemlighetsbok, det syntes jeg var så lurt så det har jeg og gjort. Nå fluet jeg denne med utfordringen på Scrappedugnad om å bruke noe man fant, og da ble funnene som ble oppdaget brukt i boka, nemlig postkortene fra Paris (oh la la).
Skulle det være vanskelig å lese tittelen på boka så er den: {If} it makes med happy ref. Sheryl Crow
torsdag, januar 10, 2008
(2008 word)
Ali Edwards has a word of the year thingie that I find quite cool so this year I've chosen my word:
Jeg fulgte litt halvt med på Ali's Et ord utfordring i fjor og fant ut at jeg like godt kunne velge meg et ord som skulle være mitt (motto) for dette året.
Etter å ha grublet langt og lenge på det kom jeg fram til at ordet mitt måtte bli MODIG
På enkelte områder trenger jeg mer mot, og da er det greit å ha et mantra: "Vær modig"
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Courageous
tirsdag, januar 01, 2008
(Happy New Year - and Deck of Me Bonus)
Quoting Neil Gaiman:
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't to forget make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
I couldn't possibly say it any better myself.
I had 3 cards left of the deck of cards I used for DoM and it felt sort of weird not decoration them too, so I've created 3 bonuscards + I've photographed the box with all the cards too :)

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Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
(Deck of me - all caught up, again)
I've had to play catch up again, I haven't been particularly good at keeping up with the Deck of Me challenges, but now they are done. I had a goal of finishing before the end of 2007. I just missed that deadline by about 1 hour. Suppose that's not half bad. Week 45 was about self realisation, so it's fitting to have the a-ha exclamation on it...
#46 was about Rejuvenation and the best way of getting rejuvenated (for me) is having fun and scrapping with my friends + going on SPA vacations to Tallinn, Estonia (I've been to a couple and it can be RECOMMENDED) #47 About my happy place - I suppose there's so many places I'm happy so it's not easy just choosing one. It's great being around family and good friends, at a crop, on vacation, on the massage table and behind the counter of Scrappejungelen.
Prompt #48 was Ideas - and I always find it's easy to get great ideas if I just have a seed, something to inspire me or challenge me. Blank canvases on the other hand are just daunting.
#49 Time Flies - I immediately thought of the song "Don't want to loose you" by Gloria Estefan, with the line: Time flies when you're having fun - and how true that is.
#50 The greatest gift - made me think of 2 gifts I got when I was a kid, 1 - the doll my Farmor gave me the Christmas I was 8, I had wanted it for months, but was prepared that I would not get it. My was I happy when I unwrapped that doll. 2 - the Christmas I was 1.5 years
I got skis, boots and ski-sticks, I was so thrilled I just had to try them a few times across the livingroom floor. #51 Made me think of you - pink papers, tickets and journaling spots always reminds me of 2 små/Hanna. They are a vital part of her wonderful scrapping style.
#52 Art - to me art is paintings, music, literature - and the epithome of it is the Botticelli painting "The Birth of Venus". One day I'll definately go to Florence, visit Galleria Uffici and just stare at it for hours...
Thanks for looking, for all the wonderful comments I've gotten and for all the absolutely beautiful cards everybody have shared! It's been a great year, and 2008 is going to be even better.
Happy New Year!
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me