mandag, desember 24, 2007
lørdag, desember 08, 2007
(Julekort en masse)
mandag, november 05, 2007
(Caught up, again! DoM)
I finally got around to create some cards to the deck of me. A few of these were planned already the week that they came out (it's just that I'm a bit slow some times). Anyway, here they are:
#38 I wonder...
I wonder if I will find someone to love that'll actually love me back. (I find I might be a little obsessed with this thought, but I wonder if I'm totally unlovable)
#39 Someone Spech
The special person is my sister Nancy, she's an amazing person, so caring, full of life and just great. Not to mention that she's always been there for me :)
#40 Not anymore
I'm just glad I'm not unhappy anymore, not that I was for long. It's just so thrilling to the same old happy me.
#41 Magic carpet
Japan - I'd love to go there someday, it's just seems like it's such fascinating country.
#42 A grateful week
It's a great thing to be greatful and I've got plenty of things to be thankful for: Great friends, a job I like and enjoy, the wonderful world of Msn, the local scrapbooking store with the nicest owner, my creativity and all the creative people in the world, getting to know new friends and my number one thing for the Sunday (of the week we got the prompt) one extra hour on that Sunday. I hate daylight saving time, the only part of it I like is the Sunday when we go back to wintertime.
#43 Scary
The thing that scares me the most are snakes, they look evil and stupid and violent. I've had a fobia of snakes for as long as I can remember (might be because I saw cobras being fed mice when I was 5). It's nice to think of that there is just one poisonous snake in Norway and it's harmless to people (unless you're allergic) - still it stops me from walking in the woods.
#44 Home
And finally todays prompts: Home
I really enjoy living in my appartment, it's perfect (in the sense there's one thing I'd like to change about it and that's what's best).
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
fredag, september 21, 2007
(Hvilken Jane Austen Heltinne er du?)
mandag, september 17, 2007
(Deck of Me #37)
So it's time to update with my latest card in the deck of me, and this week the prompt was "Draw something". Argh, I've always hated drawing, or at least since I started school and saw how all the others were better at drawing than me (in addition I never managed to make it look like I had imagined). The only thing I've been relatively pleased with drawing, i.e. thinking it didn't totally suck was houses, so I drew one today, in front of a couple of hills. I pondered for 5 nanoseconds about adding a sun, but I think that's stretching it a bit..... (or you can imagine it behind the ticked). Determined to use some of the scraps on my scrapping table (after clearing it...) I added some ribbon and a opener-thingie from a Coca Cola Light-can (can't think of a bette word than thingie :giggle:).
Anyhow here it is:
Thanks for looking :)
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
mandag, september 10, 2007
(Deck of me #35 and #36)
I've caught up again, this time the prompts were: My strength and Life is beautiful. First about my strenght, I needed some more space to write about my strenght. I am quite strong, and my friends and family has always been able to depend on me in though times. But my strenght might have a downside (I rationalise my feelings away).
Life is good... there is friends, family, music,dance, books, art.... in the world. I got some not so good news yesterday that I've written about and put in a coinholder on the back of the card. Thanks for looking
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
mandag, august 27, 2007
(Litt skryt - test)
Jeg tok en test - "Why are you a good friend", og jeg kom ut som at jeg er en god venn fordi jeg er lojal. Kan vel ikke være uenig i det vel...
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal |
![]() You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing. You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere. And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile. You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about. You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid. Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen. Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows." |
(Deck of me #34 - Laugh)
This weeks prompt was "Laugh ha ha", imediately I knew what just had to be the main motif on the card - 42 - taken from the funniest book I've ever read, Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - H2G2.
We were supposed to write about our laughs as well, mine is what I like to think of as hearty and rolling, never just a tiny giggle. And my sense of humour... it's on the dry side, (un)healthy doses of irony, sarcasm and satire blended well together with morbidity and black humour :D
The products I've used this time:
- Bazzill Kraft paper
- Ranger Acryllic dabbers
- Heidi Swapp ghostshapes (used as mask)
- Zig pen
- American Crafts Foam Thickers (I loooooove Thickers)
Thanks for looking :)
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
mandag, august 20, 2007
(Deck of Me #33 - 10 minutes)
Wow, I've done the challenge within 24 hours after it was given, that's a first for me (I think). We were supposed to use only 10 minutes on the card, and that I did (although I organised my scrapping space before I started (is that cheating?)). Amongst the songs I listened to whilst I made the card was The All Seeing Eye's "Walk like a Panther" (a thorougly cool song). When I first saw challenge #33 I immediately associated it with another song - 15 minutes by Nik Kershaw (I've been a fan since Human Racing). The song starts with "15 minutes, that's what you get, one quarter hour to get it all together"...
This time I've used papers from Cherry Arte (pink) and Rouge de Garache, Rub-ons from Basic Grey and an acrylic dabber from Ranger.
Thanks for looking :o)
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
mandag, august 13, 2007
(Deck og me 31&32)
Wow, I've already caught up, that hasn't happened in a while ;) These are my cards for #31 and 32 + the box I've decorated to store my Deck of Me. Thanks for lookingThis is the one for week 31, No regrets - I do not regret always having been a good girl. There might not have been any rebellions in my past, but nevertheless, I'm not easy to push around.
This weeks prompt was Quiet, that reminded me of one of my favourite Bjørk songs:"It's oh so Quiet"...
And here's the box that I store my Deck of me in.
Thanks for looking :)
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
mandag, august 06, 2007
(Shakespears Sister - Dirty Mind)
Dette er en av de kuleste sangene jeg vet om, har vært hekta på den i mange år nå... Det skader jo ikke at videoen er ganske kul og da. Så i anleding dagen min, here you go:
torsdag, august 02, 2007
Jeg er visst litt avhengig av blogging:
62%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
Tampa Singles from Mingle2
onsdag, august 01, 2007
(Deck of me - week 30)
Finally, here's this weeks challenge, Count your Blessings, and I think I have plenty :o)
1. My family who loves me
2. Wonderful friends
3. Great hobbies
4. My own appartment and car
5. Nice singing voice (though I might not practice much in public)
7. Harry Potter
8. Interesting job
9. Upcoming birthday (I love birthdays)
10. Chocolate
11. Passion
12. My masks
... just to name a few.
Thanks for looking :D
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
(Caught up - take 2 - DoM)
And here we go with the second batch:
Week 26 - Celebrating daughters
Now we are half way through the challenge, wow! This time it's about daughters and I am one, but I wanted to deal with the fact that I'd love to be a mother and have (at least) a daughter of my own. I've used an old photo of myself - about the only one where I'm a little apprehensive. (Websters Pages and Jenni Bowlin papers, 7gypsies stamp). Week 27 - Junk mail
I really hate junkmail in the post so I'm rather glad that here in Norway we can just add a sticker to our mailbox saying "No adverticements/junk mail". You betcha I've got one on mine :) (Jenni Bowlin papers, Dymo and 7gypsies stamp). Week 28 - Goal of the week
The goal of that week that we got that assignment was to lay parquet flooring on my kitchen floor. Now, that goal was achieved thanks to a lot of help from my dear mum and dad. At least I now know how to do it and can do it all alone the next time. (Materials, you guessed it, Jenni Bowlin papers...)Week 29 - Define perfection
This is a tough one, I could have stolen the idea of this woman and do one on the Harry Potter books (particularly book 7). Could also have done one on the walls I build around myself to try to avoid getting hurt. But then I decided to deal with my fascination with music. I've always loved music and have been told that I danced before I could walk and sang from the moment I could articulate. There's just so much lovely, perfect music out there, like the compositions of JS Bach, Lv Beethoven, Gabriel Fauré and the songs of Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Imogen Heap, Siobhan Fahey and so on...
(Materials: Bazzill, Heidi Swapp foam stamp, Fluid chalk ink, 7gypsies stamp)
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
(caught up - again)
I've finally caught up with the deck of me challenges, after 9 weeks! (yikes). And now that the cards are scanned and all I realise I screwed up the labeling, ah well, I'll fix it ... later
Picasa obviously won't let me upload more than 4 pictures at a time, so I'll split the post in at least 2.
Here we go:Week 22 - would like to learn: I've always wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle, for as long as I can remember. They are just so cool, and I imagine driving on one of them with the wind in my hair - that's freedom. And one day I WILL learn to ride one.
(Picture of a Kawasaki bike from the internet, 7gypsies journaling tag).
Week 23 - Right now: This was made when I was on my vacation, visiting my family - so naturally I just had to make a laid-back card (masking tape, distress ink, Magnolia stamp, Jenni Bowlin tag)
Week 24 - Remember when: This is for my friend Marianne about the day we were alone in London, having Cream Tea, being pampered at Stila, seeing Fame and having wonderful Indian food. It was a NICE day.
Week 25 - A photo that means something to me: This time I went with a photo of my late grandmother. It's my favourite because it really showes her character, she was one of the gentlest people I've ever known, so kind and with a healthy sense of humour. (Jenni Bowlin papers, 7gypsies stamp).
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Deck of me
tirsdag, juli 31, 2007
(Gratulerer med dagen Harry Potter)
I dag er det 31. juli og det er bursdagen til Harry Potter og "mamman hans", JK Rowling. Gratulerer med dagen begge to!
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Harry Potter
søndag, juli 29, 2007
(Flinke tantebarnet mitt II)
Jeg er så stolt av det yngste tantebarnet mitt (de andre tantebarna også selvsagt), hun er (snart) 14 år og har lest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows på engelsk! Det er imponerende synes jeg!
Long live Harry Potter!
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Harry Potter
torsdag, juli 26, 2007
(Flinke tantebarnet mitt)
Den nordnorske sommeren er ikke mye til å stole på, så som vanlig hadde jeg tatt med meg noen saker for å kunne lage kort. Nå var jeg svært heldig med været, så for min del ble det ikke lagd så fryktelig mange kort. MEN jeg fikk da tilbrakt en natt sammen med tantebarnet mitt da vi lagde kort. Her er bilder av de fine kortene tantebarnet mitt Nina lagde, er hun ikke flink? (Tanta er iallefall svært stolt av henne).
lørdag, juli 21, 2007
(Harry Potter-feber)
At ParentesFantomet er en Harry Potter-fan er ingen hemmelig, så at jeg stilte meg i kø for å kjøpe boka klokken 01.01 i natt er vel heller ingen bombe. Så natta ble selvsagt brukt til å lese boka - den var heeeelt fantastisk. Og det er alt jeg skal si om den saken, har ikke lyst til å spolere leseopplevelsen for noen og derfor, jo mindre som er sagt, jo bedre. Eller forresten - som da jeg leste Halfblood Prince gråt jeg litt da en spesiell person døde.
For alle som skal lese boka, på engelsk eller norsk: Gled dere :D
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: Harry Potter
tirsdag, juni 05, 2007
(Kort, kort og mere kort)
Da har jeg fått laget et slideshow med bilder av endel av kortene jeg har lagd den siste måneden. Det har vel blitt i overkant av 100 stykker, så dette er et utvalg, eller eksempler som viser typene kort som er lagd.
Takk for titten
mandag, juni 04, 2007
(Ny musikkdille)
I helga fikk jeg helt dilla på Candyman av Christina Aguilera. Musikken er flott, teksten ganske "raunchy" og videoen er ganske så kul. Ta en titt/lytt selv da vel, Candyman.
onsdag, mai 30, 2007
(More DoM cards)
#19 is about surprises - I'm not too into bad ones, only the good ones. Might be because I'm a bit of a control freak. (I realised after it was done that I messed up the title on the back, it should have been "Surprise, surprise, SURPRISE" - ah well)

#20 was supposed to be about how you handle changes - I'm not excellent on changes, not even very fond of rearranging furniture... But unless I'm willing to change I won't improve or grow, and I definately don't want to stagnate.

- generous
- take responsibility (and stick to it)
- handy & helpful
- there for my friends
- Snill (Norwegian word that means something like kind, kindhearted and nice)

Sånn, da er jeg ajour med DoM kortene igjen, denne gang er det Overraskelser, Endring og Gode Egenskaper som dekkes.
Overraskelser - er ikke spesielt god på de, liker å gi overraskelser og å overraske andre. Er ikke mot gode/fine overraskelser, men de som ikke er fullt så bra, nei de liker jeg slettes ikke (er da kontrollfreak må skjønne).
Endring - Innser at jeg på endre meg for å kunne forbedre meg, men er nok ikke helt fan av de store endringene, iallefall ikke så ofte.
Gode Egenskaper - denne var litt lettere å lage /komme opp med noe lurt. Vil selv definere meg som: Generøs, Ansvarsfull (tar gjerne ansvar og stikker ikke av fra det), Praktisk og Hjelpsom (dronningen av Ikeamontering) og ikke minst er jeg Snill (det har jeg fått høre mange ganger.
Takk for at du titter (og legger igjen en liten kommentar ;)
Skriblet av
Trude Julie
Labels: cards, Deck of me